Our offers
Your stays at the best price

Our special offers Organize a stay in the Camargue

For your stays at the hotel in Camargue, we have reserved special offers for you. We invite you to contact us to find out more about our current offers. Fill out the contact form or call us, the team at the Hotel du Neptune en Camargue will answer all your questions!

Gourmet stay
Gourmet stay

The offer is defined for 2 people and includes:

- 1 night for a double room of your choice (subject to availability)

- Breakfast

- 1 local board to discover Camargue gastronomy

This offer is available every day except weekends and holidays


For 2 people
Stay "Discovering the Camargue"

The offer is defined for 2 people and includes:

- 1 night in a double room of your choice (subject to availability)

- Breakfast

- 1 local board to discover Camargue gastronomy

- The provision of two mountain bikes for the day to allow you to discover our beautiful Camargue

This offer is available every day except weekends and holidays
